The operative procedure is performed for conditions involving the long head of biceps tendon or its insertion to the labrum.
Day 1 Post-op
- Polysling for 3 weeks.
- Finger, wrist and radio-ulnar and scapular movements.
- Assisted elbow flexion and extension in supine position. Avoid forced straightening of the elbow or heavy lifting for at least 6 weeks.
- Neck ROM exercises
- Teach axillary hygiene
- Teach postural awareness
2 Weeks – Review by Consultant / team
- Patient attends review and removal of stitches and body belt.
- Gentle pendular exercises into flexion/extension and circumduction only
4 Weeks
- The sling is removed and the patient begins formal physiotherapy
- Gradually increase range of movement.
- Muscle strengthening exercises.
Return to Functional Activities
- Driving 6 weeks
- Return to work
- Light duties as tolerated after 6 weeks. Heavy duties at 3 months
- Swimming – Breaststroke at 8 weeks
- Golf – 3 months
- No Contact sports for 6 months – Contact sport including: horse riding, rugby, football, martial arts, racquet sports, wind surfing, handgliding and rock climbing.